Sirius Rising

a game

in development


About the game

Sirius Rising is a classic top down space shooter with fast and straightforward gameplay, strongly inspired by Andrew Braybrook’s Uridium from the 80’s.

The development team was formed in 2015 and is spread across the world. All members have a common love of retro 80’s games, films, art and music.

Mazeon is based in Germany and is the creative force and artist behind Sirius Rising. His pixel art was recently feature in the Edge ‘Art of the Pixel’ special. Andrew previously release several remakes as part of Ovine by Design, and is based in Aberdeen. He does the coding and makes all the pretty graphics move around the screen. Igor based in Mexico then comes along and tests its, find bugs that no one else would and makes Andrew recode it. The chip tune inspired soundtrack to all this fun is provided by BITAPART from Switzerland.

Sirius Rising is currently in its Pre-Alpha stage of development, and is planned for a Windows release. The first levels of the game will be available to play at 4TG Game Con.

Pictures are taken from the Sirius Rising Devblog. Leveldesign, enemies and content of the final game may be different.

Pixelart: Mazeon
Programming: Andrew Nixon
Game Testing: Igor Améndola


Want to know more about the game's developement state, the inspiration and ideas behind the game? Check out the Sirius Rising Devblog or check out the official Sirius Rising Website.